Love podcasts? You’ll Love this Exciting Announcement!

Hi, Everyone,

We can’t believe August is almost over. But we’re ending the month by announcing two awesome events we can’t wait to share with you! If you enjoy podcasts (hopefully including ours) then one or both of these events may be for you.

Beginning October 4, we’re holding an event on the various ways you can listen to podcasts. Do you use iOS and / or Android? Perhaps you prefer your PC or Mac? Do you have a Stream, Trek, or specialized player that you need to put podcasts on manually? Or do you love your voice assistants? All these methods will be covered in this four-week event. We’ll be showing multiple apps, including some you can use on both iOS and Android. If you want some alternative listening ideas, just want to know what options are available, or are totally new to podcast listening and don’t know where to start, there’s something here for you. Plus there’s a mailing list, and a Q&A session to end the event that can help answer your questions.

Ready to learn more? Visit this link to read additional details and join the event.

So listening to podcasts is awesome, but what if your dream is to create a podcast of your very own? Well, we’ve been wanting to conduct an event on that topic for years, and now we’re doing it. Beginning October 20, you can spend six weeks learning all about podcast creation with us. Why podcast? What should you talk about? Where should you host it? How the heck does one market a podcast? What if you want to interview guests or have a co-host? We cover these topics and so much more. Plus there’s a full week strictly devoted to your questions. And you’ll have access to a mailing list to chat with us and your fellow participants. Click here to learn more and begin your podcast creation journey.

Want to join both events? Well, thanks a lot! Purchase them at the same time and automatically save $10. Or if you buy the event on listening to podcasts, but decide to come back and get the podcast creation course, you’ll save $10 that way, too.

The mailing lists aren’t up just yet as of this email, but will be by the end of the week, so you can begin engaging with other participants, and us, right away.

If you read the pages above, but have additional questions prior to registering, just hit Reply on this email and one of us will get back to you ASAP.

We’ve really enjoyed that little bit of downtime since our wedding, but are excited to have some new goodies available for you all. We can’t wait to share, and as always, appreciate your interest and support so much. There wouldn’t be a Mystic Access without all of you, so thank you!

We’ll be back in touch soon. Enjoy the rest of your week, everyone.

Warmest Wishes,
Chris and Kim
The Mystic Access Team

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