What is the format of the Free Downloads?

The files offered on our Free Downloads page are either MP3 audio files or zipped files. The monthly events for example are always MP3 files that don’t require unzipping. Other downloads such as DAISY files do. There are several, if not hundreds of files within a DAISY book, which is why they are always zipped. … Read more

Do you offer discounts?

Yes, we offer regular sales, and often provide exclusive discounts for our News list subscribers. You can subscribe to our News and Events mailing lists from any page of our website, or we can help you to get signed up if you need assistance. the best way to learn about our public sales, if you … Read more

Do you offer any free content?

Absolutely. We offer lots of methods in which you can get to know us at no financial cost to you. In addition to our free, bi-weekly podcast, we also offer a free monthly event which you can attend from the comfort of your own space. we also provide hours of free audio downloads for your … Read more