Audio Tutorial for the Volume and Bass Bluetooth Speaker
Become thoroughly oriented to the Volume and Bass speaker with this friendly and comprehensive audio tutorial by Mystic access. With warm guidance given from a blindness perspective, you'll learn the layout, features and functions of the speaker and get to experience it in action.
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Introducing the Volume and Bass Bluetooth Speaker Audio Tutorial, by Mystic Access
In this downloadable tutorial, you will:
- Experience comprehensive, step-by-step guidance to support you in familiarizing yourself with your new bluetooth speaker from a blindness perspective.
- Receive straight-forward, friendly and thorough instruction from a passionate, totally blind user of the speaker.
- Become thoroughly oriented to the layout of your speaker.
- Learn to use your speaker’s functionality independently and with ease, including the bluetooth, SD card, USB flash and AUX modes, as well as the power bank charging capability.
- Learn how you may use your non-bluetooth devices successfully with your speaker.
- Enjoy listening to the fabulous sound quality that this speaker can produce!
At over an hour and five minutes in length, this tutorial can assist you in becoming confident in using the Volume and Bass speaker. Learn at your own pace, take your time, and have fun! We hope you’ll find this tutorial to be a great resource for you as you get to know your speaker. Happy listening!
Click on the player below to hear the Volume and Bass speaker
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