Exploring the Marvelous Milieu of Mac OS
Discover comprehensive instruction on the Mac from a blindness perspective. Six audio lessons including explanations and demonstration from a blind professional and long-time Mac user. Almost ten hours of content.
Are you a long-time Windows user who has wondered about the benefits of other computing options? Are you interested in buying a new computer but are intrigued about the different available operating systems? Have you always been curious about the Mac, but want to know more about it from a blindness perspective?
Introducing Exploring the Marvelous Milieu of Mac OS, a comprehensive audio course from Mystic Access and our guest instructor, Emily M Romero. You can meet Emily, find out about her credentials, and learn why she loves the Mac in this Mystic Access podcast. Whether you’re bran new to the Mac or want to learn how to use it more efficiently, this course may be just what you’re looking for.
In This Course You’ll Learn to
•Describe the origin, purpose, and function of a Macintosh computer.
•Control the keyboard, trackpad, and touchbar using the Mac’s screen reader, VoiceOver.
•Customize VoiceOver to suit individual preferences and needs.
•Interact with native Mac apps including the iWork suite.
•Know where and how to seek assistance and support for questions about the Mac and VoiceOver.
•Know how to access new software applications.
What You’ll Need
If you choose to purchase this course, you’ll need a few items to get started:
If you plan to follow along on your own device, you need a Mac running OS Sierra (Version 10.12 or later),
Time, patience, and the willingness to learn new and different concepts,
The desire to have fun and learn a lot, whether or not you currently own a Mac.
Tell me more about the course.
These audio lessons were originally taught as a six-week live course. You’ll hear experiences and questions from others who currently use the Mac, as well as from those who are curious about Mac ownership. Whether you’re just curious, a beginner, or a huge Mac fan, you’ll likely find something appealing in this course. Note that this is a Mac overview, not a deep dive. Many topics are covered to give you a better sense of what a Mac is like, how to find and configure apps and settings, and how to use various settings to customize your Mac to your heart’s content.
Try Before You Buy
Want to enjoy a sample of Emily’s teaching prior to making a purchase? we understand. Here’s a link to the free event Emily taught which shares about benefits of the Mac. It also briefly introduces this course. Find the direct link to download from this page.
What to Expect
At the beginning of each audio session, Emily will introduce the topics for the night (see below). Afterwards, you’ll hear the relevant lesson. Follow along on your own computer if applicable, and do not worry about the pacing; we’re just giving you a tour of the functions, and we understand that most of your practice time will be on your own. We do not assign homework in this course. The final segment of each
class session will be devoted to Q&A.
The following is an overview of what to expect from lesson-to-lesson in this course.
Week 1
I. Welcome
A. What is a Macintosh?
B. A brief History
C. What is Voiceover?
D. How do Macs and PCs differ?
II. Turning on the Mac
A. Sights and Sounds
B. Get to know your Voiceover Voice
III. Q & A
Week Two
I. Learning Voiceover
A. More about Voiceover
B. Voiceover Practice
C. the Voiceover Utility
D. Choices about Voiceover
E. Voiceover and Siri
F. SIRI and Braille Displays
II. Finder and the Dock
A. Exploring Finder and opening files
B. Closing Files
C. Launching Applications from the Dock
Week 3
I. Siri
A. Automating Tasks
B. Siri and Fun
C. Learning from Siri
II. the iWork Suite
A. Pages
B. Numbers
C. Keynote
Week 4
I. System Settings
A. An Overview
B. Internet Accounts
C. Setting up your Email
II. Mail
A. Checking your mail
B. Sending Mail
C. Organizing your Mail
D. Special Feature: Scheduling Email
III. Calendar
A. Viewing your Calendar
B. Multiple Calendars and Shared Events
C. Scheduling Events
D. Cancelling Events
E. Rescheduling Events
Week 5
I. Browsing the internet with Safari
A. Introduction to Safari
B. Opening and reading webpages
C. Form fields
D. Online transactions
E. Bookmarks and the Reading List
Week 6
I. Getting to know other Native Apps
A. Reminders
B. Notes
C. Launchpad
D. Photos
E. Music
F. Messages
G. App Store and Installing New Software
Your mac-learning fun starts now
We’d love to have you for these six lessons of comprehensive Mac content taught in a fun and engaging style by a blind Mac user and professional. You’ll also receive recordings of the Q and A sessions from the original live version. We think you’ll find those very helpful, too. This audio course is just under ten hours in duration. Your investment for six audio lessons of content, demonstrations, explanation and fun is $90. If you don’t think this course is for you but have friends or colleagues whom you feel may be interested, please send them the link to this page with our thanks. We’re so excited to have you in the course.
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