
Welcome to our Testimonials Page

On this page you will find testimonials submitted by our fabulous clients and customers. To read more specific product comments, you can check out the reviews on our individual product pages. Thanks for your interest in Mystic Access.

Best Pair of Earphones I’ve Ever Purchased

The eCandy headphones are one of the best pair of headphones I’ve purchased. they are comfortable, light, and versatile. I really like the fact that I can play music and podcasts from the SD card without dealing with the hassles of multiple devices, streaming, or bluetooth. The ability to use the headset as wired earphones or as a bluetooth headset is amazing! Mystic Access’s comprehensive tutorial and superior customer service has made this product a… Read more “Best Pair of Earphones I’ve Ever Purchased”

Rebecca Skipper

Free Teleclass Appreciation

Hi Kim, I just want to again say thank you for tonight’s tele class.  Despite the sound interferences that occurred during the session, it was a most informative hour-plus.  The time you spent preparing for it was very evident and well worth our time!

Terry S

Training experience

Hi Kim, Chris, and Lisa, I just wanted to let you know how impressed I am with the service I have received from all of you. Your IOS modules are very informative and I especially enjoy chatting with you before the meetings. I recently had the opportunity to experience your one on one training, both with IOS and Narrator. I have had experiences in the past where the trainer did not seem to have the… Read more “Training experience”

Kelsey Nicolayp

Informative. Fun. I could just go on and on.

Mystic does an absolutely phenomenal job in producing all of their tutorials, events, podcasts, and, well, all that they do. They are fun, but at the same time, informative. The way I found Mystic was when I got my Touch Plus and it came with a tutorial from them. I do not regret that I have looked into who did such an excellent job in making this tutorial.

Wesley Martin

Thank You from a BrailleNote Touch User

Thank you for your audio tutorial of the BrailleNote Touch.  I found your conversational style and step-by-step instructions very helpful.  I knew some things from my use of the Apex, but many programs were still new to me.

Joy B

Miscellaneous Training With Mystic Access

Hi Chris, I downloaded the recording. Thanks very much. The training session was both educational and fun, which is the best kind of training.

Evan Reese

The Hable One

What a great read the hable1 was it really helps with learning how to use a new product.

John Gallagher
piano tuner

From a Teleclass Participant

The second worst tech person in the world is me. However, I did manage to take part in the Sunday afternoon class, and I am so glad that I did. It was really great to have you (Kim) and Lisa giving us instructions and answering questions. You are both just regular people and understand the needs of those without their vision. I do mean that in the very best way. Thank you so much, appreciate… Read more “From a Teleclass Participant”

Debra S

Avantek Bluetooth Transmitter / Receiver

I have purchased this receiver/transmitter with the accompanying tutorial and the device is extremely useful if you have devices that do not have Bluetooth already installed on the device or are not natively Bluetooth capable. What made this a must-buy for me is not having to scan the pamphlet that comes with it, wonder if what it said was right and, then wondering if I was doing things correctly with my variety of connection scenarios… Read more “Avantek Bluetooth Transmitter / Receiver”

Sharon Ewing

BrailleNote Touch Plus Audio Tutorial

(Note: This was posted on the BrailleNote users list.) While I am on hhere let me publically congratulate Kim Novas on one of the most beautiful tutorials I have ever experienced in my 17 year association with the Braille Note products. Hats off to Mystic Access in their continual efforts to help us along in the world of technology.

Mary Ellen Earls

The InsideOne is simply the holy grail of Braille. The tablet is sleek and beautiful. It is a pleasure to use. The Braille display is crisp and responsive. The etched keyboard is easy to use. I use Jaws and it works just fine on this tablet I love that this is one piece of equipment rather than a separate tablet and Braille display. I have used adaptive technology for 30 years,and this is the finest piece of AT I have ever had the privilege of owning and using.

The tablet is sleek and beautiful. It is a pleasure to use. The Braille display is crisp and responsive. The etched keyboard is easy to use. I use Jaws and it works just fine on this tablet I love that this is one piece of equipment rather than a separate tablet and Braille display. I have used adaptive technology for 30 years,and this is the finest piece of AT I have ever had the privilege… Read more “The InsideOne is simply the holy grail of Braille. The tablet is sleek and beautiful. It is a pleasure to use. The Braille display is crisp and responsive. The etched keyboard is easy to use. I use Jaws and it works just fine on this tablet I love that this is one piece of equipment rather than a separate tablet and Braille display. I have used adaptive technology for 30 years,and this is the finest piece of AT I have ever had the privilege of owning and using.”


Google Suite of Products Tutorial

Hi Mystic Access, I just purchased your google suite tutorial and am a Humanware dealer and enjoyed your tutorial on the BrailleNote Touch and am wondering when you will be doing an upgrade tutorial on the 2.0 keysoft upgrade that came out on October 31, 2016? Thank you for a very good job on your audio tutorials! Regards, Roger Behm

Roger Behm

BrailleNote Touch Tutorial

Hi Kim, I wanted to write to congratulate you on this tutorial. I’m almost through unit 1 asI await my own Touch. This has been so helpful as I prepare for my unit’s arrival. I also really appreciate your practical advice on learning Touch Braille. I think that will be my biggest challenge, but I’m confident I will pick it up. Again, great job on this tutorial. I look forward to diving into Unit 2… Read more “BrailleNote Touch Tutorial”

Les K

Sample of the Sentey B-Trek H10 Headphones

Ok, no I haven’t bought the head phones yet, but if the recording samples of music duplicating how they sound are even close, these will be a tremendous asset. I listened to the sample recorded by Mystic Access and found the head phones to be amazing, even given that there might be some differential between what I hear and what is being heard by the microphones used for the recording, the sound could only improve… Read more “Sample of the Sentey B-Trek H10 Headphones”

Sharon Ewing

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