You’re Invited: Compare the BlindShell 2 and 3 Cell Phones During Our Upcoming Event

Hi Everyone,

We hope 2025 is being good to you thus far. We’ve been busy here at Mystic Access, and are excited to bring you our first virtual event of the year. If you’re searching for a new cell phone that is easy to use, filled with features, and totally accessible, you may be interested in our event, A Tale of Two Shells. We’ll be comparing the BlindShell 2 and the recently-released BlindShell 3. Learn what they have in common, discover the new features of the 3, and bring your questions. Check out the registration page to learn more and save your seat.

Who’s It for?

Whether you currently own a BlindShell 2 and are wondering if upgrading is right for you, already have the 3 and wish to learn more about its new features, or curious about both versions so you can make a more informed decision, this event may help.

Does Mystic Access sell the BlindShell?

No, we do not sell, or support, BlindShell phones. There are many dealers who do, however. We’re offering this event to our awesome community so you can learn more about some accessible cell phone options.

Tell me more!

We’ll be sharing phone orientation, providing lots of explanation, and demoing both the BlindShell 2 and 3 extensively. can’t attend live? Don’t worry, you’ll get a recording.

This event takes place on Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 8:30 PM eastern time. Like all our events, it will be held via zoom. The presentation will run around 75 minutes in length, and we’ll also have lots of time for your questions, so don’t be shy.

What About Pricing?

We know money is tight. We’ve kept this event very affordable so hopefully everyone who is interested can join us. The cost is only $10. Activate this length to learn more and register.

Wait a Minute, Does This Mean No More Free Events?

Absolutely not! In fact, we’re planning our first free event of 2025 right now, so stay tuned for more info soon.

Have additional questions? We’ll do our best to answer. If you received this annoucement in your email, just hit reply. Or if you’re viewing this on our News page, email us at:

If this event isn’t for you, but you know others who would be interested, please pass this info along. We appreciate it!

We look forward to having many of you in at the event. We always love connecting, and this one should be fun and informative.

We’ll send one additional reminder prior to the event date, but we encourage you to register your seat soon so you won’t accidentally miss out. Thanks for your interest.

Have a wonderful week.

Warm Wishes and Gratitude,
Chris and Kim
The Mystic Access Team