Very Exciting Free event for May, Plus A Special Anniversary / Treat for You

Hi, Everyone,

Happy May! Where’s the month going? Spring is moving right along ever so quickly, and keeping with that theme, Mystic Access has a couple timely announcements we’re anxious to share with all of you. If you have friends or colleagues whom you feel would be interested, we’d love it if you’d kindly spread the word by forwarding this newsletter, or, if you’re reading on the News page on Mystic Access, you’ll find social media and email links to share the content with others. Thanks ever so much.

May’s Free Virtual Event is Coming UP on the 28th

First off, we have an incredibly exciting virtual event for the month of May. We’ll be sharing about and demonstrating the InsideOne braille Windows 10 tablet. There’s so much we want to tell you about this innovative machine. We’ll be talking about the build quality, the feel of the tablet / braille, and what sets this apart from every other braille display / tablet on the market today. Curious? We’d love for you to join us, along with our friend / colleague, Barry Scheur of GuideLights and Gadgets, who will also be participating in our presentation. Here’s all the info you’ll need to join us live. Please note that we’re not hyperlinking the information below, do to all the hacking that’s been going on of late with Zoom meetings. Please copy and paste any links of interest to your clipboard, then paste into your browser of choice. Or, at the time of the meeting, you can copy the meeting ID directly into your zoom client, if you’d prefer to join that way.

Topic: Lots Of Fun With The InsideOne
Time: May 28, 2020, 08:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 851 3649 9702
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+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
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Meeting ID: 851 3649 9702
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We use Zoom for all of our virtual events. If you’re unfamiliar with using this highly versatile and accessible software, you can learn more by listening to our free zoom demo.

If you’re unable to join us live for any reason, the recording will be posted to our Free Downloads page within a few days of the event. You can also check out most of our previous free events on that page, as well.

The Stream Tutorial is Celebrating its Fifth Anniversary

Back in early 2015, Chris asked Kim if she would have any interest in creating audio documentation for the second generation Victor reader Stream by Humanware. At the time, Kim laughed about it, thinking the current documentation was perfectly fine, but upon closer review / inspection, decided that Chris had a good point, and someone needed to revamp the materials. Within a couple short months, the eight-hour Stream tutorial was born, and Kim was working for Mystic Access. Here we are five years later, and Kim thinks Chris had something there about the need for good audio documentation on all sorts of products. After all, it’s what we do! We’re excited that the Stream tutorial turns five this month, and thought we’d share a little walk down memory lane to take you back to that exciting time. Here’s the very first public presentation we ever did together, and yes, it’s on the Stream tutorial. This is from Accessible World, and was recorded on May 15, 2015. Click here to listen or download.

We’re also celebrating by giving anyone interested a 25% discount on the Stream tutorial through the end of May, 2020. That’s almost a $15 savings on the regular price of $59. You don’t have to do anything special to get the discount. Just add the product to your cart or use the Quick Buy option, and then check out as normal. You’ll receive the discount automagically. If you’d prefer to call us to order at: (716) 543-3323, you’ll also get the discount when you tell us you want to order the Stream tutorial. If you want your tutorial on physical media such as an SD card or thumb drive shipped to you, it’s an additional $15.

Thanks to all of you who have purchased the Stream tutorial over these last five years. You really got us started when we were unknowns, and we appreciate your trust in us. There’s still a lot of great value in that tutorial, and we hope you’ve gotten a lot of use out of it.

Stay safe and well, everyone. Have a beautiful week.

Warmest Wishes,
Chris and Kim
The Mystic Access Team

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