Announcing Mystic Access’s Free August Event and a Cool New Website feature

Hi, Everyone,

Sorry for the very short notice in announcing our August free event, but due to so much happening here in Mystic access Land we were late in deciding. Fortunately, a very timely topic is waiting in the wings. Do to Microsoft’s decision to end support for Internet Explorer on its own products, we feel it’s time to revisit a hugely important topic we discussed once before, but to also expand it to cover even more info. Why should you choose not to use Internet Explorer, what other browsers are out there, and how is each unique in terms of how it assists your productivity and security online? This event isn’t just for IE users, either. We’ll talk about features and benefits of many different browsers, and also squash that nagging fear that changing to a new browser will be super hard — it won’t, we promise! We’d love to have you join us. This is a public event, so please feel free to invite anyone whom you feel would be interested.

Title: Browsing Securely On Your Terms
When: Thursday, August 27, 2020 8:30 PM – 9:30 PM Eastern Time
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 870 4837 4251
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Meeting ID: 870 4837 4251
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If you can’t attend live, the event will be recorded. We’ll get it up as quickly as possible, and will announce to those of you on our Events mailing list when it’s available for free download. We know we have a couple other events to get up there, as well, and will endeavor to do that in the next week or so. Apologies for the inconvenience.

We also wanted to briefly mention that we’ve enabled a neat new address feature on Mystic Access. We demo it in our latest podcast episode. Want to auto-complete your billing or shipping address in very little time? We have you covered. This feature will primarily be of help to new customers, but we really want to make your visit to our site super convenient, so want you to know it’s available.

Thanks for being part of our community.

Warm Wishes,
Chris and Kim
The Mystic Access Team

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