Upcoming Convention Sales, and July Open House

Hi, Everyone,

Happy July. For those out and about or otherwise celebrating this weekend, have a safe and wonderful Independence Day.

As you may know, the convention season jumps into full gear next week with the start of NFB. We will have sales throughout both NFB and ACB, and an open house right between them for your enjoyment. Here are all the details:

Throughout each convention, Mystic Access sales will include the following:
Twenty percent off all audio documentation.
Ten percent off all hardware (excluding Evo media player).
Ten percent off training, consulting, and coaching.

NFB Convention, July 6-10. Our sales run throughout.
ACB Convention, July 16-23. Our sales run throughout.

No coupon codes are required to take advantage of sale prices. Just add to your cart and check out as usual, or give us a call any time during either convention, at: (716) 543-3323, to place an order.

On the afternoon of July 13, between the two conventions, we’re having one of our fun and informal open houses. These have become well-loved events in our community, where we hang out, answer your questions, and just have a grand old time. We’d love to have you join us. Drop in for ten minutes, or stay as long as you like. You’re very welcome, and feel free to invite others who you feel would be interested. We may have a bit of product and Mystic Access discussion, but we aren’t there to sell you anything per say. It’s just a chance to get together and have fun, and we always love hosting these events. And you can be as shy as you want… you aren’t required to talk at all. Here are the details to join us:

Title: Mystic Access July Open House
When: Tuesday, July 13, 2021 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Eastern Time
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 818 5552 3495
Passcode: 760343
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Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
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+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 818 5552 3495
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Please take special note of the passcode, as you’ll likely need it for entering the meeting. We’d love to chat with you there! This meeting will not be recorded and archived.

Again, have a safe and happy Fourth, and thanks for your interest!

Warm Wishes,
Chris and Kim
The Mystic Access Team

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