Reading Easily and Affordably with Orbit Products
If you’ve been curious about the line of Orbit reader devices, or have wondered whether to update yours to a newer model, this comprehensive audio documentation will provide info to assist you. Please read below for the full description.
The Orbit Reader family has grown, and if you’re confused by who’s who, then this audio documentation from Mystic Access is here to help. Whether you’re completely new to the Orbit braille displays and are curious what they’re all about, or are considering an upgrade of your current model, this product has information to support you.
We’ll walk you through the broad differences between the three models of Orbit reading devices. We’ll also talk SD cards, charging, and basic functions needed to operate the Orbit Reader. Then, we’ll take a deeper look under the hood — at the menus, where you can configure Orbit Reader to behave just as you would like. We’ll also discuss connecting the Orbit Reader to various devices, and updating the software. The audio includes lots of step-by-step instructions, and helpful questions asked by participants when this material was taught as a live event.
This product would benefit those who have an Orbit Reader, as well as those who are considering purchasing new units or upgrading their existing Orbit Readers.
Documentation Syllabus
I. Meet the Orbit Family
A. Orbit Writer
B. Orbit Reader 20
C. Orbit Reader 20 Plus
D. Orbit Reader 40.
II. Basics
A. What’s in the Box?
B. Keyboard Layouts
C. SD Cards, or not
D. Braille Display
E. Charging and battery
F. Ways to carry your Device
G. Turning on and off
III. A Tale of Two Modes
A. Stand-Alone
B. Remote Mode
IV. Menu and Setting
A. Orbit Writer Settings
B. Accessing and exiting the Orbit Reader Menus
C. Languages and Profiles
V. Managing Files and Folders
A. Not applicable for Orbit Writer
B. Complete list of file and folder commands is in documentation for your unit.
C. Back, space, and Enter are important for File Management
VI. Using the Book Reader
A. Creating and navigating to Bookmarks
B. Power Move
C. Searching for Text in a Book
D. Autoscroll in Book Reader
E. Book Reader Limitations
VII. Using the Editor
A. Differences between Editor and Book Reader
B. Entering and Exiting Edit Mode
C. Using the Edit Menu
D. Limitations of the Editor
VIII. Screen Reader Mode
A. Supported Devices
Supported Screen Readers
C. Ways to Connect
D. Using Screen Reader Commands
IX. Miscellaneous Commands
A. Locking the Keyboard
B. Battery Low Indicator
C. Rebooting the Unit
D. Resetting the Unit
Resource List
X. Updating the Orbit Reader
A. Items to Note Before Installing
B. The Upgrade Process.
XI. Special Features
A. Orbit Reader 20 Plus
1 On-Board Translation
2 Clock and Alarm
3 Calendar
4 Calculator
B. Orbit Reader 40
1 USBC Charging
2 Allows Bluetooth Keyboard Connectivity
3 Alarm with Sound
4 Vibration Feedback
5 USB Host
This documentation runs for just over two hours and forty minutes. The cost to receive the audio in both DAISY and MP3 formats, plus a written transcript of the material (coming soon), is $35. Thanks for your interest.
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